Queen Creek head coach, Mikel Moreno, uses his experience on the ballfield, in the Army and in life in general to bring life lessons back to youth sports.
Recruiting out of high school continues to evolve every year. Mesa High has a long history of athletes moving on to the next level and faces the newest challenges of the recruiting process.
First he was playing varsity football as a freshman. Now he's made his way onto the freshmen basketball squad. Brophy's star underclassman is changing what it means to be a high school freshman.
McKenzie has more than 800 wins as a girls’ volleyball coach. Even though she retired from teaching in 2013 she has kept on as the volleyball coach because of her passion for the sport.
After years and years of watching athletes takes hard blows to the body, people are starting to get concerned with the player's safety. High school have taken a step towards implementing new and improved protocols in concussions.