Chandler ranked 11th in Football America Preseason Poll

July 17, 2017 by Andy Morales, AZPreps365

Three teams from Arizona made the High School Football America Preseason Top 100 poll released on Monday, July 17. The poll expanded from 50 to 100 teams this fall.


2017 Arizona Ranked Teams

No. 11 Chandler (6A Champion)

No, 38 Saguaro (4A Champion)

No. 42 Mountain Pointe (6A Runner-up)


Saguaro finished in the 2016 season ranked 25th in the nation and Chandler finished 41st. Saguaro was the top-ranked team from Arizona last year and the Sabercats took the 10th spot in the nation in the Public School Rankins and Chandler was 15th.

2016 Arizona Rankings

1 Saguaro (14-0)

2 Chandler (12-2)

3 Mountain Pointe (13-1)

4 Williams Field (14-0)

5 Centennial (12-2)

6 Perry (11-2)

7 Cienega (12-1)

8 Desert Edge (10-2)

9 Desert Ridge (8-4)

10 Hamilton (7-5)


St. John Bosco of California is the top preseason team. Complete rankings can be found here.