Catalina Foothills wins Flowing Wells Volleyball Invite

September 15, 2014 by Andy Morales, AZPreps365

Catalina Foothills senior Julia Cravens. (Andy Morales/

Catalina Foothills went undefeated (5-0) to capture the championship of the Gold Bracket over Yuma Kofa. Kofa finished 4-1. Tombstone went on to defeat Willcox to take the Blue Bracket.

Catalina Foothills is now 7-1 on the year and they are led by seniors Delaney Dunagan, Brit Beyer and Julia Cravens. Foothills is scheduled to visit powerhouse Ironwood Ridge on Tuesday, September 23.


Kofa def Willcox 2-0

Kofa def Desert View 2-0

Kofa def Sahuarita 2-1

Willcox def Desert View 2-0

Sahuarita def Willcox 2-1

Sahuarita def Desert View 2-0

Tanque Verde def Douglas 2-0

FW def Marana 2-0

Marana def Douglas 2-0

Tanque Verde def Marana 2-1

Tanque Verde def FW 2-0

FW def Douglas 2-0

Tombstone def Walden Grove 2-0

Sunnyside Def Tombstone 2-1

Sunnyside def Walden Grove 2-0

Catalina Foothills def Tombstone 2-0

Catalina Foothills def Walden Grove 2-0

Catalina Foothills def Desert View 2-0


Desert View over Walden Grove 2-0

Willcox over Douglas 2-0

Marana over Walden Grove 2-0

Tombstone over Desert View 2-0

Desert View over Douglas 2-1

Desert View over Marana 2-1 (3rd Place)

Tombstone over Willcox 2-0 (Championship)


Sahuarita over Sunnyside 2-0

Flowing Wells over Tanque Verde 2-1

Flowing Wells over Sunnyside 2-0

Sahuarita over Tanque Verde 2-0

Catalina Foothills over Sahuarita 2-0

Yuma Kofa over Flowing Wells 2-0

Flowing Wells over Sunnyside 2-0

Sahuarita over Tanque Verde 2-0

Sahuarita over Flowing Wells 2-0 (3rd Place)

Catalina Foothills over Kofa 2-0 (Championship)


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