Josh Lay, Injured but not out
April 8, 2022 by Harley Overmyer, Gilbert Christian High School

Harley Overmyer attends Gilbert Christian High School and is a member of the AIA's student SID program.
Josh Lay is a varsity baseball player for Gilbert Christian High School, he’s currently cheering his teammates on from the bench, because of a stress fracture on his spine, making him unable to play this season. Despite his injury, Josh still has a love and passion for the sport so he “pushes to get better to help his team and glorify God in any way [he] can.”
Ever since he was younger to even now Josh watches baseball with great pleasure, which is why he has found the sport he's played for almost eight years so enjoyable. Not only this but also the friendships he finds with his teammates, “makes practices and games so much more amusing.” Especially now not being able to play, he's been able to “find fellowship with [his] friends, and find new ways to enjoy games.”
Josh may be out this season but for the next two years, if he heals properly, he gets excited thinking about getting back on the field to play and support his team even more. He plans on pushing himself to move past his injury and even more after that to eventually meet his goal of “hitting home runs by [his] senior year,” to become an even better player.