Gilbert Christian girls soccer in pictures
December 14, 2021 by Sara Perey, Gilbert Christian High School

Varsity women's soccer starters ready to get the game going.
Sara Perey attends Gilbert Christian High School and is a member of the AIA's student SID program.Olivia Petree kicking the ball into action.
Ella Carivaeu throwing the ball in to get her team a shot on goal.
Shay Earnheart moving down the field.
Caprice Chiuchiolo going for the corner kick.
Megan Collard will not let NorthWest Christian get that ball.
Kinley Rhineheimer moving the ball down the field.
Olivia Petree ready to get that ball out of here.
Hannah Coyle kicking that soccer ball out of sight and out of mind.
Riley Nelson carrying the ball away from her opponent.