St. Mary's Mowery, Duran share special bond
April 22, 2019 by Zach Milne, Arizona State University

The coach-player relationship in any sport learn is incredibly important to success. A positive relationship with a coach can help you become a better player. Without that relationship, things can often go south quickly. Just ask Antonio Brown, who famously gave the Pittsburgh Steelers trouble when he spoke out against his teammates and coach.
St. Mary’s tennis coach Tim Mowery and senior Quentin Duran had formed a relationship long before they were paired together on the court.
“I’ve known coach for about five years now,” Duran said. “I was excited to play for him since I already knew him and knew of his tennis background.”
Duran has been in school with his coach's daughter for years, and they have become closer because of this. Having someone Duran’s known for such a long time has helped him become more comfortable while playing tennis.
“When he got the job it impacted me a lot, in a good way,” Duran said. “It was very beneficial having someone that knows me so well as a person and an athlete coach me because he knows how I respond to certain situations, and it helps quite a bit.”
Duran’s family was also happy to see Mowery take on the role in 2016, as his father explained.
“I was happy when coach Mowery became the head coach. I knew he would put my son in the best possible situations to ensure his success,” Chris Duran, Quentin’s father, said. “Tim’s a great guy and I have a lot of respect for him and his ability to coach,”
Despite the two having very different personalities, and Duran playing multiple sports at the same time, they have been able to cultivate a relationship that has made Duran and Mowery friends on and off the tennis court.
“Getting see him grow up has been really cool and he’s become a really great man,” Mowery said.
In Duran’s final season in tennis, he is having just as much fun as he did since the beginning three years earlier. Having a coach he trusts and can go to for anything has really helped Duran have a great time with tennis over his four years of playing.
As the season winds down, Duran is enjoying the last few matches he has with Mowery as his coach, and Mowery knows it will be great to see Duran continue to grow in life.